Orlando’s LGBTQ+ Recreational Sports League
Orlando United Together (OUT)
OUT Sports League is a gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender recreational sports league that serves the Central Florida community. The league was created in the years after Pulse to provide a safe, social, and inclusive in-person alternative to bars and apps for members of the LGBTQ+ to meet and interact. We strive to develop a friendly, diverse community through organized sports leagues. We value each player for who they are and what they bring to our community.
Played on Saturday afternoons and Wednesday nights, Kickball is our most popular sport. We offer social and competitive divisions.
Played on Monday nights, Dodgeball is the best way to take out your frustrations by throwing no-sting balls at opponents!
Played on Friday nights, Sand Volleyball is a very relaxed and friendly league. We offer social and competitive divisions.
Played on Tuesday nights, Cornhole is the perfect game to play while drinking and winding down from a long day at work.
Played on Thursday nights, our Soccer league is designed for players of all skills levels. It features 8v8 on the pitch with a goal keeper.
Played on Wednesday nights, we offer Team Bowling and Remix Bowling where you can play with and meet new people each week.
Played on Thursday and Friday nights, Indoor Volleyball is becoming one of our most popular sports. We offer social and competitive divisions.
The league frequently hosts social events to build our community that are open to anyone including our popular OUTvivor competition!
We’re an inclusive and fun community
We’re more than a sports league - we’re a community. Create friendships that last a lifetime in a safe and inclusive space. We make it easy to meet people in-person, so get off your app and get on the field.
We pitch in to make a difference
OUT Sports League is committed to philanthropy and contributing to our community. Every season the league donates a percentage of its profits to local charities and non-profits, holds fundraisers, and raises awareness in order to give back.